Two Posts on Iterators in a row? I know, I know. But at the risk of sounding like some kind of evangelist: If you're going to insist on implementing your own containers, you must implement iterators for them. I won't repeat my entire diatribe on the

Since Bayer & McCreight introduced the family of balanced search tree's collectively known as "B Trees" in their 1972 paper[1], they have traditionally been used as a data structure for external storage devices, which is why they are very often use

Ah tries, the tree structure with a name that nobody can agree on how to pronounce. Oddly spelled name aside, Tries offer a convenient way to implement a collection of strings in a way which supports operations such as finding the longest common prefix

When comparing C and C++ to other popular programming languages like Java, C#, and python one of the big issues people bring up is that you "have to" manage dynamic memory manually. Aside from manual memory management not being nearly as big a deal as