Visualizing Trees

If you've ever implemented a tree based data structure, chances are when it came time to display the tree, you were left scratching your head. Sure, different tree traversal algorithms allow us to print the contents in

Algorithmic Problems

The practice of generalizing issues in algorithmic design as "problems" predates the invention of computers. One such example is "The hamiltonian circuits problem" in graph theory which is a generalization of the "tr

How to implement vector style dynamic arrays in C.

Dynamic Arrays

Most programming languages today offer some implementation of dynamic arrays in their standard libraries. Dynamically typed languages such as Perl, Swift, and

What IS Gopher?

Long before the Go programming language adopt the gopher as its logo, and before the "World Wide Web" came to dominate the the internet with HTTP, there was Gopher. Gopher was a menu driven text only protocol for deliveri