Finding the minimum spanning tree of an edge-weighted undirected graph is foundational to graph theory. A graphs minimum spanning tree is the collection of edges in an undirected edge-weighted graph that connects all

Puzzles are good way to kill some time when you're bored. I was at a doctors office the other morning, and in the waiting room they had sliding tile puzzle that I played around with for a little bit while waiting to be called in. Personally, I find wri

Having covered Kruskal's MST algorithm in my last article, it seems only natural to now cover Prim's MST algorithm. Prim's algorithm is another Greedy Best First Search graph algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree of a

Grids & Graphs

Grids are a special cases of Graphs called Lattice Graphs, and they show up and time and time again, particularly in Game Development. Certain categories of games, such as Rogue like games are heavily grid based.

Say this one 10 times fast: Bidirectional Iterative Deepening Depth Limited Depth First Search

Bidirectional Iterative Deepening Depth First Search(BDIDDFS), some times also called Bidirectional Iterative Deepening Depth Limited Depth First S