Well, it looks like I'm back at it, implementing iterators for all the things and up this time: In-memory B Trees. Now, It's no secret that that an iterator for an ordered container is simply an In-order traversal performed step-wise over said

Of the 23 design patterns outlined in the GoF book, one I find myself reaching for time and time again is the façade pattern. In fact, I was making use of this design pattern before I even knew that the technique employed was called the

When implementing any type of programming language, be it a enterprise scale systems language like Java, a small Domain Specific Language and practically anything in between there is a myriad of design decisions to be made that will influence the overa

It's no secret that I am an iterator pattern fan boy. When it comes to implementing search trees - or any container of which you would like to access the elements one by one and in-place for that matter, the iterator pattern is indispensable. It allows

A fundamental concept for software engineers when it comes to writing maintainable software is the DRY principle: Don't repeat yourself. Many times when writing code we may find ourselves implementing algorithms that are very similar in structure to ea