Software development is like a 3d-jig saw puzzle. Small "pieces" - in the form of basic instructions - are used to construct larger pieces of increasing complexity, such as sub routines, functions, and objects. At differing lev

Simulating Dice and Coin Flips

This is going to be a rather short article because its a pretty simple concept, though one that comes up repeatedly on various programming forums: How to you simulate a coin toss or the roll of a dice?

Where we left off...

When we last left off we had the basics of our game engine in and character classes in place. In this section we will be covering basic Procedural Dungeon Generation.


Welcome to my tutorial on developing a basic roguelike game using C++ and the BearLibTerminal library. This is the second incarnation of this tutorial, the first one having been made for the Roguelike-dev 2019 code along project.

The '@' symbol

Its traditional in Roguelike games for the player charachter to be represented by the '@' symbol. To get a feel for BearLibTerminal, were going to build a simple Game Loop and use it to respond to keyboard input inorder to