Having previously covered conditional statements and loops, there is only one topic left to cover in my series on compiling control flow constructs to pcode, and of course I have saved the best for last. In todays post we're going to talk about compili
When we last left off, I had covered compiling while statements, which involved branching, conditional branching and labels, as well as the basic technique of backpatching. In todays post we're going to kick our backpatch-fu up a level by using it in c
In my previous post on code generation we got our feet wet with compiling some basic expressions to p-code. In todays post I'm going to pick up where we left off and jump right in with control statements. In particular,
Symbol tables are a fundamental part of compilers. Depending on the compiler and the semantics of the language being compiled different symbol tables may be used for different phases of compilation, or one symbol table may be used through the entire co
Initially designed in the 1970's as a "portable assembly" language to facilitate implementing Pascal compilers on the varying computer architectures of the day, P-Code is the progenator of all modern bytecode interpreters. The success of the UCSD Pasca