Sometimes when I'm bored I reach for one of the various books of programming challenges, flip to a random page and work through random problems until I've had enough. This past weekend I flipped to a random page and was greeted
I was reading through a paper about block merge sort and in the article was a list of helper functions that the algorithm utilizes during its execution. This list was kind of a "who's who" of array manipulation algorithms. Thes
Often times when we have a collection of values, we are more interested in the order statistics of the collection: find the min value, find the max value, find the K'th smallest value, and what have you. There are a number of data structu
I see this question get raised on various forums and message boards all the time: "How do you reverse a Linked List?". I'm sure it's a leetcode question, but I'm too lazy to confirm. It's one of those questions that (nowadays) lacks real world applicab