Ahh yes, back again with some more of that sweet lisp content. I'm sure by now you;ve guessed that I've been ankle deep in the parens again, and ive managed to pop my head up long enough to talk about it some more. And today I want to talk about one of
When it comes to algorithms for removing an entry from a binary search tree there are two general strategies you take: removal by copying and removal by merge. Deletion by copying - sometimes referred to as "hibbard deletion" - is by far the more commo
The LZ family of loss compression algorithms has many, many variants each making use of various optimizations to eek out every bit of performance for a given application. There are so many variants that they are generally broken into two categories: LZ
Having previously covered conditional statements and loops, there is only one topic left to cover in my series on compiling control flow constructs to pcode, and of course I have saved the best for last. In todays post we're going to talk about compili
When we last left off, I had covered compiling while statements, which involved branching, conditional branching and labels, as well as the basic technique of backpatching. In todays post we're going to kick our backpatch-fu up a level by using it in c
Let's talk Eval/Apply
BST Deletion: Removal By Merge
Dictionary Based Compression: The LZW Algorithm
Taking Action: Compiling Procedures to P-Code
Making Decisions: Compiling If Statements to P-Code
Repeating yourself: Compiling While Loops to P-Code
Removing an entry from a B+ Tree without Rebalancing: A viable approach?
Implementing An Iterator for In-Memory B-Trees
Weight Balanced Binary Search Trees
Parsing Array Subscript Operators with Recursive Descent