Randomized Meldable Heaps

When it comes to priority queues, the binary heap is the go-to data structure when it comes to implementation, and with good reason. Binary heaps offer worst-case logarithmic complexity for all operations that i

If you were stuck on a desert island with just one data structure, which would it be and why?

This is a silly but fun question, and after giving it some thought, my answer most likely shouldn't surprise most readers: A balanced binary se

Bloom Filters

Bloom filters have been around for a while, 1970 to be exact. They're not exactly the star of any university data structures class. There are much "sexier" (yeah, i know.) data structures like self balancing search trees, hash t

Part 2: expanding the collision resolution repertoire

Welcome back for part two of my articles on hash tables. In my previous article i covered the basics of linear probing. In this article i will discuss another popular collision resolution t

In part one of my article on open address hash tables i discuss hash functions, initializing the table and buckets, as well as insertion and searching via linear probing. hashing