In my earlier post on implementing Iterators for hash table based data structures I covered how to write an iterator for tables utilizing open addressing collision

Searching is a fundamental operation in computers, with a great deal of research put towards developing both efficient data structures and their corresponding algorithms. Search trees are a corner stone of that work, and to hig

The iterator pattern as it is described in the GoF book[1] bears very little resemblance to what those of us familiar with the C++ standard library know as iterators. The example described in Design Patterns[1] being closer in

For most people "heaps" are synonymous with an array based heap ordered binary tree, commonly used as a priority queue. But the forest of heap ordered trees is rich in diversity, with variants including Leftist heaps, Fibonacci

There are a lot of ways to test if a string is contained within another string. Unfortunately, when it comes to searching in strings the algorithms are either incredibly complex and sensitive to implementation details (looking