Say this one 10 times fast: Bidirectional Iterative Deepening Depth Limited Depth First Search

Bidirectional Iterative Deepening Depth First Search(BDIDDFS), some times also called Bidirectional Iterative Deepening Depth Limited Depth First S

The binary search algorithm allows use to search for an item in a sorted array with much faster results than performing a search linearly.

How to painlessly implement an associative array using a hash table.

Hash Tables

When it comes to the literature Hash Tables are often glossed over. Data Structures and Algorithms(DSA) books tend to focus on more complicated,

Exploring the 'Skip List' data structure as an alternative to self balancing Binary Search Trees for key/value pairs

What's a 'Skip List'?

A skip list is a data structure that was developed due to some of the 'unpleasant' asp

In this article I show how to implement Dijkstra's algorithm to show the shortest route by train through several American cities.