Having covered Kruskal's MST algorithm in my last article, it seems only natural to now cover Prim's MST algorithm. Prim's algorithm is another Greedy Best First Search graph algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree of a
Functional Programming with Java
Early in my career, I had a lead developer on a project who during code review, much to my chagrin, kept making me re-write what was in my opinion “perfectly good, working code”. To my lead however
Unique Collections
Knowing that a collection is comprised of unique only items if a very useful thing indeed. It's so useful that this concept is the basis of one of the fundamental data structure: the Set. While this is not the on
Ahh, Heaps.
Heaps are one of those data structures that turn up everywhere. They serve a humble purpose: find the maximum value (depending on if you're using min or max ordering) of a set efficiently. It is this very purpose that imbuesRandomized Meldable Heaps
When it comes to priority queues, the binary heap is the go-to data structure when it comes to implementation, and with good reason. Binary heaps offer worst-case logarithmic complexity for all operations that i
Simple DB Migration with JDBC
Welcome to CodeBlahger, A Blahging Platform for Programmers.
Design Patterns: The Façade Pattern
The Interpreter Pattern: Implementing Interpreters the OOP way
Parsing Right-Associative Operators with Recursive Descent
BST Iterators Revisited: No Parent Pointer, No Stack, No Problem
Deleting Arbitrary Values from Binary Search Trees
Solving the N Queens Problem with Breadth First Search
Performing the Knights Tour in Linear Time
Knuth's Algorithm X For the Exact Cover Problem