To use map/filter/reduce on lists would for the longest time immediately identify you as a lisp hacker. Overtime the immense utility of these list operations have led to their being incorporated by more and more mainstream languages. Now you can find t
Symbol tables are a fundamental part of compilers. Depending on the compiler and the semantics of the language being compiled different symbol tables may be used for different phases of compilation, or one symbol table may be used through the entire co
As Hanukkah approached and I gathered my holiday supplies, I ran through my list to make sure I had everything I needed. Latkes? Check. Chcoclate Gelt? Double check. Menorah? Check. Candles? Check.... I think? How many am i going to need? Now, I could
In 1973 Vaughn Pratt published a paper about a method of top down expression parsing he devised while implementing the CGOL programming language to little fan fare. And quietly it sat forgotten as the academic world did mental gymnastics around LL(1),
Initially designed in the 1970's as a "portable assembly" language to facilitate implementing Pascal compilers on the varying computer architectures of the day, P-Code is the progenator of all modern bytecode interpreters. The success of the UCSD Pasca
Let's talk Eval/Apply
BST Deletion: Removal By Merge
Dictionary Based Compression: The LZW Algorithm
Taking Action: Compiling Procedures to P-Code
Making Decisions: Compiling If Statements to P-Code
Repeating yourself: Compiling While Loops to P-Code
Removing an entry from a B+ Tree without Rebalancing: A viable approach?
Implementing An Iterator for In-Memory B-Trees
Weight Balanced Binary Search Trees
Parsing Array Subscript Operators with Recursive Descent