Where we left off...

When we last left off we had the basics of our game engine in and character classes in place. In this section we will be covering basic Procedural Dungeon Generation.

Grids & Graphs

Grids are a special cases of Graphs called Lattice Graphs, and they show up and time and time again, particularly in Game Development. Certain categories of games, such as Rogue like games are heavily grid based.

Self Balanced Binary Search Trees

When it comes to balanced search trees, their is a wealth to choose from: Red/Black and its associated variants, AVL trees, scape goat trees, splay trees, and the list goes on, and not to mention the non

Merge Sort

Everybody has their favorite algorithms, and merge sort happens to be one of  mine. It's also one of the definitive "Divide and Conquer" algorithms. There is a certain elegance to merge sort, and unlike Quicksort, it is a stab

Binary Search Trees

Binary Search Trees are pervasive in computer science, their usefulness can not be overemphasized. From parsing, to searching, to sorting they pop up everywhere, even underpinning other ADT. They offer quick look up times