If you were stuck on a desert island with just one data structure, which would it be and why?
This is a silly but fun question, and after giving it some thought, my answer most likely shouldn't surprise most readers: A balanced binary se
Bloom Filters
Bloom filters have been around for a while, 1970 to be exact. They're not exactly the star of any university data structures class. There are much "sexier" (yeah, i know.) data structures like self balancing search trees, hash t
Part 2: expanding the collision resolution repertoire
Welcome back for part two of my articles on hash tables. In my previous article i covered the basics of linear probing. In this article i will discuss another popular collision resolution tIn part one of my article on open address hash tables i discuss hash functions, initializing the table and buckets, as well as insertion and searching via linear probing.
Red Black Trees
Balanced binary search trees are pervasive in modern software. Providing worst case performance of O(logN) red black trees are by far the most pervasive choice when it comes to their implementation. They are famously complicat
Simple DB Migration with JDBC
Welcome to CodeBlahger, A Blahging Platform for Programmers.
Design Patterns: The Façade Pattern
The Interpreter Pattern: Implementing Interpreters the OOP way
Parsing Right-Associative Operators with Recursive Descent
BST Iterators Revisited: No Parent Pointer, No Stack, No Problem
Deleting Arbitrary Values from Binary Search Trees
Solving the N Queens Problem with Breadth First Search
Performing the Knights Tour in Linear Time
Knuth's Algorithm X For the Exact Cover Problem