Defining Randomness

When most people say a "Random number" what they really mean is "ANY number". Randomness has precise mathematical definition, and without getting too deeply into it, it means a number that does not derive from a repea

How to implement vector style dynamic arrays in C.

Dynamic Arrays

Most programming languages today offer some implementation of dynamic arrays in their standard libraries. Dynamically typed languages such as Perl, Swift, and

What IS Gopher?

Long before the Go programming language adopt the gopher as its logo, and before the "World Wide Web" came to dominate the the internet with HTTP, there was Gopher. Gopher was a menu driven text only protocol for deliveri

Graphs As a Data Structure

Graphs are an Abstract Data Type used to organize information and more importantly, how information is related such as the names of Cities and the roads that connect them, or individual people and their various

Say this one 10 times fast: Bidirectional Iterative Deepening Depth Limited Depth First Search

Bidirectional Iterative Deepening Depth First Search(BDIDDFS), some times also called Bidirectional Iterative Deepening Depth Limited Depth Fi