In the past I've primarily used two sources as reference material while implementing AVL trees: the example in Mastering Algorithms with Perl from O'Reilly, and Robert Sedgewick's description of the implementation from his book Algorithms. Both of thes
Pattern132 is an interesting problem I've seen floating around on various message boards. It is a constraint satisfaction problem that I've seen all manner of solutions for ranging from dynamic programming, to straight brute force iteration. When I fir
Having covered Kruskal's MST algorithm in my last article, it seems only natural to now cover Prim's MST algorithm. Prim's algorithm is another Greedy Best First Search graph algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree of a
Functional Programming with Java
Early in my career, I had a lead developer on a project who during code review, much to my chagrin, kept making me re-write what was in my opinion “perfectly good, working code”. To my lead however
Unique Collections
Knowing that a collection is comprised of unique only items if a very useful thing indeed. It's so useful that this concept is the basis of one of the fundamental data structure: the Set. While this is not the on
Ternary Search Tries: String Specific Ordered Symbol Tables
Digital Search Trees
Lossless Compression Part III: Huffman Coding
Lossless Compression Part II: The LZ77 Algorithm
Lossless Compression Part I: Working with Bits in a Byte Oriented World
Bottom Up AVL Tree: The OG Self-Balancing Binary Search Tree
A Different Take on Merge Sort: Binary Search Trees?
Deleting Entries From Open-Address Hash tables
Transform any Binary Search Tree in to a Sorted Linked List
From Regular Expressions To NFA by way of Abstract Syntax Trees: Thompsons Construction