Convex hull algorithms fall into the category of "computational geometry". Computational geometry has a wide range of applications in many different fields, ranging from computer graphics, to ecology, city planning, and much, m

There is a long standing debate amongst developers on which Self Balancing Binary Search Tree is better: AVL Trees or Red Black Trees. It's one of those age old debates the inspires religious like fervor in those which choose a side.

String searching and to a broader extent pattern matching are some of the most fundamental operations you can do on a computer. Much research has been done into pattern matching algorithms using techniques ranging from brute fo

In the past I've primarily used two sources as reference material while implementing AVL trees: the example in Mastering Algorithms with Perl from O'Reilly, and Robert Sedgewick's description of the implementation from his book

Pattern132 is an interesting problem I've seen floating around on various message boards. It is a constraint satisfaction problem that I've seen all manner of solutions for ranging from dynamic programming, to straight brute fo