Mergesort was the first O(nlogn) sorting algorithm used. Donald Knuth has speculated that it may have even been the first sorting algorithm ever programmed into a computer, with John Von Neuman being aware of it as early as 194

In my previous post I covered using search to solve puzzles by abstracting the state space into a tree structure and using various graph searching algorithms to find a solution. In this post I will be following up this concept

Puzzles are good way to kill some time when you're bored. I was at a doctors office the other morning, and in the waiting room they had sliding tile puzzle that I played around with for a little bit while waiting to be called i

For most people "heaps" are synonymous with an array based heap ordered binary tree, commonly used as a priority queue. But the forest of heap ordered trees is rich in diversity, with variants including Leftist heaps, Fibonacci